From the Sofa Podcast: “Take me down” What do Taylor Momsen and Robert Johnson have in common?

Taylor Momsen from the Gossip Girls, is the lead singer of The Pretty Reckless, and together with guitar Player Ben Philipps, they recorded an acoustic version of their song “Take me down”. To my surprise this song is about “The legend of Robert Johnson”. 

According to a contemporary blues player Son House, he said that Robert Johnson must’ve had made a pact with the Devil in the Mississippi crossroads of 61 and 49, because according to him and his other peers, he disappeared for one year and when he came back he played better than everybody there, and before that when he played in between other musician’s breaks, people would boo him out of the stage. So they started saying the devil must’ve had taught him the chords and tunes he played.

Go ahead and listen in our podcast to what we really think happened in those days. Click the pictures below.

Biggie Siebenbürger

The mysterious Robert Johnson

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